Top Twenty Places To Sail
In The Gorge

brought to you by Rowena Shores courtesy of M. Mc Donald-Low*


Rooster Rock to Doug's Beach - The Main Gorge
The Big East
Alternative Sailing Spots - The Far West, The Far East

Rooster Rock to Doug's Beach - The Main Gorge

Some of the Gorge's best east and west winds, as well as most consistently windy conditions are found on this stretch of the Columbia. Coincidentally, the vast majority of most boardheads sail these popular spots.
  1. Rooster Rock
  2. Bob's Beach
  3. Home Valley
  4. Swell City
  5. The Hatchery
  6. The Hook
  7. Hood River Sailpark
  8. Event Site
  9. Mosier
  10. Rowena
  11. Doug's Beach

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The Big East

The arid East is home to the Gorge's biggest swells and most beautiful and secluded camping areas. Warm water and air temperatures, smaller crowds and some of the most incredible big water, big air days in the Gorge are found within this area.
  1. The Dalles
  2. AverY & AverX
  3. Celilo
  4. Maryhill to The Wall - two separage maps!
  5. Rufus
  6. Roosevelt
  7. Arlington
  8. Lorok's
  9. Three-Mile Canyon

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Alternative Sailing Spots

The Far West

From the Oregon Coast to Portland, the sites of the West are best known for their remarkable ability to provide wind when virtually all other sites in the Main Gorge and The East are hot and windless. Always best in summer on a northwesterly, these sites typically feature wide sandy beaches and are popular with families. For directions to these sites check the Windfo #'s above, ask any local Gorge shop, or consult previous three five editions.
The Far West -- Oregon Coast to Portland
Jones Beach & Nuke Alley
Kalama & Woodland

The Far East

The Far East is home to the Gorge's most wide open launches and camping areas. Warm water and air temperatures, virtually non-existent crowds and some of the most remote and biggest water to sail in the Gorge are found within this area. For directions to these sites ask any local Gorge shop or consult previous three five editions.
The Far East
Crow Butte
Port Kelly

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* The pages in this directory were created by Michael Mc Donald-Low and are the property of Center of Effort Publishing, displayed on this server by permission of the author. They have not been updated in recent years and so thair accuracy is not certified, but are placed on this server as a public service.